
December 25, 2017 My traveling experience in singkawang I think not many people would travel to singkawang outside of the cap go meh celebration, which is the party of the year in this town. But i did i visited singkawang to see its natural beauty. And probably many people who don't know how many beautiful place here. The beach, the forest, and other tourist attractions everything is very pretty and well groomed. During the trip, i just busy walking around and taking lots of photos😂 cause it's my favorite hobby . I don't go alone, i went with my friend. The next place the one i visited was zinka zoo. I like the concept that is still natural, we got off zinka zoo parking and immediately greeted by funny animals Taman dunia Air A tourist locations that offers a collection of fish in an aquarium . To see the collection of fish in aquarium, visitors must enter into the shark-shaped building of the shark.
December 22, 2017 By Agustina    In library Agustina: hai pany what are you doing here ? Pany       : I want to return this book, and you? Agustina: ohh.. me too I also want to return this book Pany       : ohh oke Agustina: pany let’s have lunch together.. Pany       : lunch? Oh that good idea let’s go ( otw to the canteen) Pany       :  Agustina what is your dream, goal, and                                                             Ambition? Agustina : hmm I hope in 5 years time I want to be                                    succesfull bussineswomen yeahh that’s all my dream,      and I hope I can achive it soon Pany        ...
Food review by Agustina December 12, 2017 The people who can most succesfully lose weight and maintain a healthy life style are foodies. Who comes first eat first😉 I have no idea to explain how to do food review before.. but i'll try it as much as i can and today i'am gonna do review the one of favorite food in society. What kind of food is that?? I think you guys definitely know about A&W right?? Hmm i'm gonna review it for you eventhough you guys already know about it😭 A&W restaurants, with several locations accross have recently focused a lot of energy around improving the environment by replacing foll bags with compostable paper, as well as us using beef raised without hormones or steroids. But despite these positive change, like many fast food joints the calories and sodium count can add up easily with your meals Many of us know to limit" fried" foods but other words to be coutious about include 'crispy, battered , and loaded....
November 10,2017 Best friend(s) or close friend(s) By Agustina I used to think that friends were the people that you could laught and talk to, now i know that friends aren't that , they are the people that touch your heart, they are the people you can share your secret with, cry with, laught with and just have fun with. They don't judge you or make you change. They eccept you exactly as you are. My friendship experience started at my junior high school when i was fifteen years old at the time, we are so comfortable with this togetherness and i feel like find a new life that is called friendship. How i meet them?? I meet them at school How we can end up being good friends? At the time we always spend time together everyday, so we so close to each other and we decided to stay friendly until old age. What think i like and i don't like about them? I like everything about them, it's not easy for me to find something bad about them because they are my...
October 25,2017 vidio by Agustina Pentol kuah yang menjadi kegemaran masyarakat Pentol kuah adalah nama dari jajanan tradisional yang terlihat seperti bakso tapi kandungan dagingnya lebih sedikit, pentol menjadi makanan favorit di semua kalangan usia karena harganya yang murah dan rasa yang memuaskan (English)  Pentol kuah is favorite food in community Pentol kuah is the name of traditional snack it's look like bakso but less meat content,pentol become favorite foods among all ages because of the price is cheap and the taste is satisfactor

Goals,Ambitions and dreams

Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can October 12,2017 By Agustina So many people just exist, they have no goals, desires, or aspirations, they may have been ambitious at one timein their life but run into disappointment, including me actually😂. But i relize something that's all not good right??. So everyday i learn so many things in my life that life must have a purpose. Become a better person and can help the crowds,so in 5 years time i want to be succesfull businesswomen😉 yeah.. that's my wish, and i hope i can achive it soon🙏 i just wanna  make my perents proud of me. I dared to dream as children and then meet up with real life as adults and relinquish my visions as unreal possibiloties. Perhaps i have run into people who lacked faith in me and my abilities putting doubt on any dreams or visions i will prove to them if i can. Okey i think that's all about my dreams, goals, ambitions that i can share with you.. and the last one i'll g...