
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017
October 25,2017 vidio by Agustina Pentol kuah yang menjadi kegemaran masyarakat Pentol kuah adalah nama dari jajanan tradisional yang terlihat seperti bakso tapi kandungan dagingnya lebih sedikit, pentol menjadi makanan favorit di semua kalangan usia karena harganya yang murah dan rasa yang memuaskan (English)  Pentol kuah is favorite food in community Pentol kuah is the name of traditional snack it's look like bakso but less meat content,pentol become favorite foods among all ages because of the price is cheap and the taste is satisfactor

Goals,Ambitions and dreams

Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can October 12,2017 By Agustina So many people just exist, they have no goals, desires, or aspirations, they may have been ambitious at one timein their life but run into disappointment, including me actually😂. But i relize something that's all not good right??. So everyday i learn so many things in my life that life must have a purpose. Become a better person and can help the crowds,so in 5 years time i want to be succesfull businesswomen😉 yeah.. that's my wish, and i hope i can achive it soon🙏 i just wanna  make my perents proud of me. I dared to dream as children and then meet up with real life as adults and relinquish my visions as unreal possibiloties. Perhaps i have run into people who lacked faith in me and my abilities putting doubt on any dreams or visions i will prove to them if i can. Okey i think that's all about my dreams, goals, ambitions that i can share with you.. and the last one i'll g...