
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Say it with the picture

September 30, 2017 let the pictures talk by Agustina It takes a lot time for me to take a picture tho cos i 'm not good at taking photos😂 but i 'll try as much as i can and i hope you guys like it Check this below👇 - tugu digulis pontianak Location pontianak indonesia (English) As info, this monument was inaugurated by the governor of west kalimantan, Seodjiman. On november 10,1987 initially shaped eleven milky bamboo like milestone, and in 1995 this monument is repainted in red and white. And then in 2006 do renovation on this monument, so it is more bamboo shaped like it is now (Indonesia) Sebagai informasi,monumen ini di resmikan oleh gubernur kalimantan barat,Seodjiman.pada 10 november 1987 pada awalnya berbentuk sebelas tonggak bambu runcing yang berwarna kuning polos, dan pada tahun 1995 monumen ini di cat ulang menjadi merah putih. Dan kemudian pada tahun 2006 di lakukan renovasi di monument ini sehingga berbentuk lebih mirip bambu runcing seperti pena...
About me.. Hello my name is Agustina i came from sambas(west kalimantan) today i just wanna share a little story about who i am.. I am a new student at tanjungpura university pontianak in faculty of economics and business, the reasons why i choose this faculty because i really like all about business, i want to learn more about economics and business because i'm sure with more learning i can reaching my dreams easily so i can make my parents happy of course.. yeah that's all my wish just by seeing they  are happy that's enough for me and hope someday i can make it happen😊.. And about why i continue my study to university level  that's because by studying to university the opportunity to get a good job is bigger and i want to be succsessful women  who can make people who i love  proud of me especially my family, i will do my best to get it.. And the last one what is plan after finishing my study from untan( universitas tanjungpura)?? Immediately looking for a go...