About me..

Hello my name is Agustina i came from sambas(west kalimantan) today i just wanna share a little story about who i am..
I am a new student at tanjungpura university pontianak in faculty of economics and business, the reasons why i choose this faculty because i really like all about business, i want to learn more about economics and business because i'm sure with more learning i can reaching my dreams easily so i can make my parents happy of course.. yeah that's all my wish just by seeing they  are happy that's enough for me and hope someday i can make it happen😊..
And about why i continue my study to university level  that's because by studying to university the opportunity to get a good job is bigger and i want to be succsessful women  who can make people who i love  proud of me especially my family, i will do my best to get it..
And the last one what is plan after finishing my study from untan( universitas tanjungpura)?? Immediately looking for a good job of course, and i hope will  get it soon.. so i can earn money and buy all of the things i never had😉 and i'm wanna do  traveling to overseas especially seoul (south korea) because i like kpop and korean drama so badly that's why i wanna go there yeah that's all my dreams, oke maybe that's all i can tell you .. hope you guys like it thank you and bye-bye🖐🖐


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